Are you worried?
Every day, Tusla supports children, young people and families. Their job is to keep children and young people safe. Tusla have your back, whatever it is – they’ll listen.

Most families that work with Tusla just need some support. Remember, we got help from Tusla - and it changed our lives and our futures.
Please don’t be afraid to talk to someone - talk to a trusted adult or contact Tusla yourself - you'll be glad you did.
Some young people don’t have a safe place to live: it can be frightening and they can get hurt. Always remember it’s not your fault; you have a right to be protected and looked after.
So if anything bad has happened - please don’t be afraid to talk about it. Tell a trusted adult or contact Tusla.

Did something happen?
Tell Tusla
There are laws and organisations in Ireland that
work to protect you. You are not alone.
Always remember, it’s not your fault.

Is it Neglect?
Neglect is when a child or young person isn’t being looked after properly. Maybe they don’t have enough to eat, clean clothes, or a safe, warm home. Maybe they’re left alone too much.
Sometimes parents have problems themselves and they need support too. If you’re scared, lonely or worried that you – and maybe your brother or sister – are not being looked after properly, you and your family can all get help from Tusla.
Is it Emotional Abuse?
This is sometimes hard to explain. It’s when a parent or adult is deliberately mean, like a bully, not caring or supportive, and makes you feel bad most of the time. They can call you names, put you down and make you feel unsafe and unhappy. If this is happening to you, it’s wrong, it’s not your fault – and Tusla can help make it stop.

Is it Physical Abuse?
This is when an adult physically hurts you on purpose. It could be slapping, hitting or watching someone else hurt you and not stopping it. You have the right to be protected and looked after. Never be afraid to talk – Tusla are here to help.
Is it Sexual Abuse?
Sexual abuse happens when an adult uses a young person for sexual purposes. The really important thing to know is that this is never the young person’s fault. It could be inappropriately touching you, having sex with you, forcing you to watch an adult engage in sexual acts or showing you sexual material like videos.
It may also include wrongful sexual relationships between you and an adult, or an adult forcing you into sex with other adults. None of this is OK - please don’t be afraid to tell somebody, Tusla can help you and help make it stop.

Tusla helps children, young people and families every day.
Whatever is going on in your life,
Tusla won’t judge you and they will know how to help.