Who will you meet?
Let's introduce the workers you might meet and how they can help.

I'm a Social Worker
I help young people and their families when things get tough at home. I will visit to chat to you, to make sure you’re ok and if needed, I’ll help with what needs to change.
I'm a Family Support Worker
I come to help parents in the home, to help with the cooking, caring for the children or just for a chat.

I'm a Social Care Worker
I will give you a private and safe space to talk and express your feelings with no judgment.
My social care worker was the only one that believed in me and pushed me to do my leaving certificate, one year on and I’m in college doing a social studies course.
Lauren, age 19, Wicklow
I'm a Fostering Social Worker
I find and support foster families who want to help by having young people stay in their house while the young person's parents get help.

I'm a Residential Care Worker
I work in a residential care home and I am one of the staff on the team who looks after the young people who live there.
My social worker was brilliant. She was a really good friend to me.
Louise, age 17, Tipperary
I'm an Access Worker
I help young people in care spend time with their family.

I'm an Aftercare Worker
I support young people in care aged 16-21, or up to 23 years if they are in full-time education (college or training) to help them prepare for adult life.
I love the support I get from my aftercare worker, I know that if I need anything, there is always someone a phone call away.
Alex, age 22, Galway
I'm a Social Work Team Leader
I’m the social worker’s boss. I attend important meetings to hear about how all the young people are getting on.

I'm a Principal Social Worker
I'm the Team Leader's boss. I help run the social work department and make sure that every young person Tusla is helping is being cared for in the best possible way.