Help is here
Tusla helps children, young people and families every day. Whatever is going on in your life, Tusla will know how to help.
Find out about what’s going on in your area
Tusla offers lots of supports in your community. Contact your local Family Resource Centre (FRC) to find out about any clubs or activities happening in your area. Visit the website to find your nearest FRC.
There’s lots of people who can help
If you’re worried, need support and don’t know what to do – there is a team of people who can help. They can help you make a plan about the changes you want in your life.
It’s called Meitheal - an old Irish word that describes bringing people together to support one another. Lots of different people can help: just ask a trusted adult like a teacher or youth club worker.

Learn how to get help at home
A Family Support Worker is someone who comes to your home or you can meet them in your local family support project. They mainly meet with your parents but by helping them it helps the whole family. They can help parents with cooking, paying bills, caring for babies, getting children and young people to school. They'll keep helping you and your family until things at home get better and stay better.
I had a say about what was happening for me, all the people who worked with me, coming together for me, was good.
Jane, age 13, Dublin
How can a social worker help me?
Anyone can contact Tusla if they are worried that a young person has been harmed, may not be safe or is not being well cared for. A social worker from Tusla will visit to see what’s going on and ask if you need any help.
They will make a plan with you, your family and other important people in your life. This plan describes who will help make sure you are cared for and always safe.

Sometimes family and friends can help too
Family and friends can look out for you when you need it. They can help in lots of ways. Sometimes if things are tough at home you might go and live with a family member like a grandparent or a family friend.
Once everyone is happy that things have improved, you can go home to live with your family. This does not mean you are in care. This is simply family and friends coming together to help out when things get tough.
Having to speak to someone at first was difficult, as I was afraid of being judged. But the second I gave it a shot, it changed me.
Dillon, age 16, Wicklow
What's a family welfare conference?
A Family Welfare Conference is a family meeting about you. At this meeting your parents, your family and other important people in your life get together to talk about how they can help you. Together they will make a plan for you.
What's the story with Care?
Sometimes, if things are not getting better and everyone is still worried about a young person’s safety, they live somewhere else until things improve at home. This is known as Care.